Getting Started

  1. Create a Github account.

  2. A step-by-step guide to using Git (incl. branches & pull requests).

  3. Upload a profile picture to the /assets/media/Team directory. Find this line on the last entry <div class="col-md-12 section1">. Change IMAGENAME; add a title; & and alt for your image <img src="/assets/media/Team/IMAGENAME.jpg" title="" alt="">.

  4. In Team_Members_Intro.yml, fill in your Name; Job Position; & write a brief introduction of yourself. Take a note of your entry number.

  5. Take a look at the Our Team page & if all the rows are used, go to and add a new row. Else, just find the last entry and change all 3 lines of the arrayNo (...teamMembers[arrayNo]...) to be your entry number - 1.

  6. Markdown guide (which you would utilise when using Jekyll).

  7. To add new posts, simply add a file in the _posts directory that follows the convention and includes the necessary front matter title & layout:report. You can refer here for more info.