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Focuses on building relationships and the conditions for joined-up working

A shared focus on better services

1. Engagement phase


  • Surfacing and identifying opportunities
  • Building partnerships and coalitions
  • Focusing on specific opportunities aligned to the Lab’s work programme
  • Gauging appetite for cross-agency approach
  • Sense checking the likely authorising environment


  • Strongly relational and high trust
  • Engagement and relationship a dedicated role in team
  • Maximising and intrapreneurial mindsets
  • Assessing likely lab requirements
  • Low commitment / no cost

Activities / outputs

  • Scoping sessions
  • Exploratory workshops
  • Early horizon scanning

Key lab team reflections for the engagement phase

Importance of a relational approach
  • Positive relationships foster honesty and trust
  • Time invested here establishes foundations for the rest of the work
  • It means listening, not telling, and respecting people’s mana
  • Key to creating a culture of collaboration
Strategic context and work programme
  • Not all opportunities are equal - where does the work fit?
  • How might new opportunities align and connect with existing work?
  • Is there anyone on in the Lab’s governance environment who might champion/support the work?
  • Seek to hold more opportunities that work capacity
Lean against the problem
  • Avoid the trap of rushing to solutionize too soon
  • Spend time understanding the problem and the system that holds it