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The aim was to identify ways to improve the Notice of Sale process for the benefit of people selling and buying property, their agents (ie real estate agent, solicitors, conveyancers), councils and government agencies. The notice has added importance as it contains information that directly helps contribute to understanding New Zealand’s Financial and Physical Capital as defined in Treasury’s Living Standards Framework (LSF). There is no prescribed form for the notice, or methods to transmit the sale information to councils. The notices vary depending on the other information requirements councils request or what solicitors typically want to send to support the sale. The QV sales direct online form was originally built around what is mandatory but has been amended over time based on solicitor and council requirements; most notably contact details for the new owner. There is also no definition for the term ‘property’ as it’s not a clear concept. The Lab helped scope the future design work that would be needed to explore the opportunities in more depth to ascertain their desirability from a user perspective, viability from a business sustainability perspective, and feasibility from a technical perspective.